Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fishy Fish Entry #5

Well, the ick remains. It wasn't an overnight thing like last time.

but I learned very quickly, just because they show no outward signs of Ick, doesn't mean it's gone.

I think the problem was the heat part of the treatment. My thermo was usually set at 75... so I raised it to 78.2 which is the highest it goes.

In order to speed up and then kill the Ick, you have to have it up to as close to 85 as you can for at least 10 days.

Today I bought a new heater and placed it in. Since the water temp is already 78, I put the heater to about 80, and I'll up it to 82 in a few hours once the fish have had a chance to get use to the new temp.

Since I don't have any extra airstones to aerate the water more as you should when you up the temp... I emptied out a few gallons of water.

normally I have the water up so that it's filled to the top and you can't see the water line. so as you can see, I removed at least 3 gallons of water.

I also took out the filter and bought a brand new cartridge. It was time to change cartridges anyway. So hopefully this will work.

On an up note, baby snails are doing well, so is Gary the snail.

Genesis is also loving life. I'm surprised, but he really loves the rainbow colored silk plants. I was worried that the bright colors would stress him out, but they were the only ones left at the store, and I needed something to place in there until the new ones come in.

He really enjoys hanging around them... and that's where I find him sleeping when I turn on the lights for the day... so I'll probably just leave those plants in there. So, things are going good for the betta tank.

keep your fingers crossed for the other tank.

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