Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fishy Fish Entry #4

Well I checked on my fishes today, and I noticed Naruto has spots on his tail. They're hard to see, and they kind of blend in since he has shiney incandescent spots on his tail normally... but I'm assuming they're ick because they not only had an ick outbreak already, but they're little white dots.

So I did a quarter water change, added a tablespoon of salt to replace the salt I removed in the water change... took out the live plants not fairing well during the last salt/heat treatment, replaced them with a new fake plant, cleaned some of the other silk plants... I'll replace the remaining real ones once my new silk ones come in which should be tuesday.

This time I also added about 1.5 teaspoons of an ick medication since the original treatment didn't seem to work... and diluted it in a gallon of replacement water before placing it in the tank.

Once the tank was cleaned and refilled, I turned off all the lights in the tank room to give them a chance to just relax after the water change. Hopefully I did the right thing, and the spots aren't just part of his normal body shine. So we'll see.

Well while I'm worrying about that... at least my baby snails are looking good.

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