Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fishy Fish Entry #7

Ok, I got my water test kit in (which is suppose to be more accurate than the test strips I was using.

Ammonia is 0
Nitrites are 0
Nitrates are 0
and High Range pH is 7.4

so it seems the water is pretty good. I was worried because while some of my fish that were worse off are improving... but Ai (my whiptail) had a bunch of spots on her today that I never noticed before. but when I went to fill the viles for the water test this evening, I noticed Ai had fewer ick spores on her than this morning, and the fish worst off had even less spores than before.

So perhaps this is finally taking its course and we'll be in the clear soon. But I'm not letting my guard down yet. I'll keep up the treatment for the recommended 10 days, then slowly lower the heat down over the following few days... and eventually end with a water change and keep my fingers crossed.

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